By Yuri Olesha
Just wanted to start off the blog with the book that started it all for me. This is the first full fledged novels I have finished reading. (An adventure I undertook in second grade.) It was a childrens novel with a story line full of twists that would scare Grisham. I couldnt describe it better than this...
Just wanted to start off the blog with the book that started it all for me. This is the first full fledged novels I have finished reading. (An adventure I undertook in second grade.) It was a childrens novel with a story line full of twists that would scare Grisham. I couldnt describe it better than this...
"A fairy tale of revolution. A tightrope walker, balloons, very large pastries, and a brave little girl help topple the dictatorship of some very fat men."
The Three Fat Men are brothers pick up the male twin of this little circus girl a decade ago to be their heir. When the circus returns to town, through some very intresting events the girl ends up in the Palace as a "doll" to her own twin. Some of the remarkable points that left an impression on me was that the 'heir' has an iron heart. Because TFM believe that he'll be too soft a future king if he has a real heart. Anyway with some very amusing twists that I could only comprehend when I eventually turned 13 this book made its way into my heart. And made a track for many more to come.
For the Moral tale, the twists, the suprisingly intelligent plotline (for a kids book), one very intresting couple of twins, three amusing fat {evil} villians, a doctor, a part successful attempt at comedy, the heir's own personal zoo, and a prejudiced sentimental attachment
.. award this book a 4 star rating [****-]
For an online summary version: The Three Fat Men